Welcome to the Machinists Union Local Lodge 460. Defending the rights of workers in Perryville, Maryland!

Juan Dominguez Launches Campaign for U.S. Senate in Maryland

At our recent Labor Day picnic, we had the pleasure to meet and talk with U.S. Senate candidate Juan Dominguez about the issues that affect us as Union members and Maryland residents.

A successful buisness executive and Gulf war combat veteran, Here are some of the many issues Juan's campaign will focus on.

  • The Right to a Living Wage in Maryland
  • Safe, Affordable Housing and Food Security for All
  • Healthcare is a Human Right
  • The Right to a Great Education, Job Training, and Career Readiness

Juan’s candidacy is one of hope, bipartisanship, and a desire to serve the citizens of Maryland and the country to reach maximum potential. In many ways, he sees a government that has drifted away from a core tenet, of being for the people. Juan plans to redirect the focus to serving citizens first; making our schools better, serving our Veterans as they deserve, and helping each of us to achieve the American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Juan and his wife Cheyenne Dominguez
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American Legion
Susquehanna Post 135
300 Cherry Street
Perryville, MD, 21903

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